How Did She Sink?

So how did she sink? Well there have been many theories. The latest ones are that the Titanic was part of an insurance fraud and was purposely rammed into and ice berg, or scuttled! These theories are totally uneeded and stupid!

Of course we all know that the Titanic did hit something out their in the adrk deep North Atlantic, and of course that thing was a rather large ice berg that was even larger underneath!

From most accounts we can safely say that the ice berg scraped along the starboard side of the ship causing the plates to buckle and burst at the seems. As drawn in A Night To Remember by the actor playing Tohmas Andrews, the most of the front part of the ship was flooding, five watertight compartments in fact. Becasue these compartments weren't sealed off at the top, the icy cold water would just fill each compartment and then spill over the top into the next one, slowly, but surely sinking the ship. It was quite obvious these watertight compartments weren't watertight!

Jack Thayer was one of a few who believed that the Titanic had broken up at the surface. But many people would never believe that the Titanic could just split in two, so the theory was kept low, until in 1985 when Dr. Robert D. Ballard discovered the Titanic, lying on the bottowm of the Atlantic in two pieces! Dr Ballard and his team came to the conclusion that the Titanic's bow snapped off becasue it couldn't bear the stress of having its stern in the air.

When the bow snapped off, it probably just plunged downwards taking a small period of time to reach the bottom 2 miles below. After standing perpundicular for a few minutes the stern would have slid quietly downwards as well. The two pieces are 1,970 feet apart and facing in different directions.